
Laparoscopic View of Groin Anatomy for Hernia Surgery

Hernia Surgery - gastrouniversity.com

Critical View of Myopectineal Orifice (MPO): 9 Steps dissection must for safe inguinal hernia surgery

Steps for hernia surgery - gastrouniversity.com

Laparoscopic Anatomy of Inguinal Hernia: Static view

Laparoscopic Anatomy of Inguinal Hernia

TAPP for Direct Inguinal Hernia. How to dissect?

TAPP for Direct Inguinal Hernia

TAPP for Direct Right Inguinal Hernia

TAPP for Direct Right Inguinal Hernia

TAPP for Indirect Inguinal Hernia

TAPP for Indirect Inguinal Hernia

Recurrent Rectal Prolapse: Surgical Managment

Recurrent Rectal Prolapse: Surgical Managment

Laparoscopic Extended Right Hemicolectomy for Colonic Cancer by caudal to cranial approach with D3 dissection, complete mesocolic excision (CME) & Central Vascular Ligation (CVL)

Hemicolectomy D3 dissection Colonic Cancer- gastrouniversity.com


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